Friends, RCV enthusiasts, countrymen! We have exciting news. RCV day is less than two weeks away!
You might be wondering, “what’s RCV day?” Well, we in the RCV world have a saying – RCV, it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3. And on 1/23 every year, we celebrate the RCV movement and all the hard working people who are trying to make this country a better place to vote.
This year, however, RCV day falls on a Tuesday, and the middle of the work week is no time for a big celebration, so we at Rank The Vote are hosting our national RCV celebration on 1/20 at 8pm via zoom, and we’d love it if you could come! Sign up here and we’ll raise a glass to all the successes of last year and all the victories yet to come.
But it’s not just RTV that’s celebrating RCV day. Here’s a breakdown of how some of our state partners are ranking their achievements this year:
On Jan 20th, join election reformers and ranked choice voting fans at our New RCV Year Toast at the Uptown Tavern in Hillcrest in San Diego, CA.
We’ll mix & mingle, enjoy appetizers and beverages, and hear how 2024 is shaping up to be RCV’s biggest year (so far). From our local San Diego County efforts to the wider picture of California and across the states – you’ll get the lowdown on efforts to improve our elections with Ranked Choice Voting.
Uptown Tavern is a great community partner of election reformers. Join us in the back meeting room at this fantastic meeting place!
Yale Students for RCV will be hosting an RCV Day event in conjunction with our semester kickoff meeting on Thursday, January 18th at 7 PM in Room 012 of William L. Harkness Hall (100 Wall Street, New Haven). Please email us at michael.garman@yale.edu if you’d like to join Connecticut’s only in-person RCV Day event (Zoom option also available)!
On RCV Day itself (Tuesday, January 23rd), we will be canvassing throughout the day in high-traffic areas of Yale’s campus. We’d love to have your help – reach out and we’ll set you up with a shift!
In honor of RCV Day, Florida will be hosting 3 daily Canvasses leading up to the event. On Jan 21 at 10am we will meet at Lake Eola in downtown Orlando; Jan. 22 we will canvas the UCF student Union at 12pm; and on Jan 22 we will meet at Barry University at 2pm to educate their students about the benefits of RCV. The Jacksonville Chapter will meet at Bitty & Beau’s Coffee on Jan 20 at 7pm to view the RCV Day Zoom call. Our days-long celebration will culminate with the Orlando chapter meeting at The Copper Rocket (106 Lake Ave, Maitland) on Jan. 23 at 7pm.
To celebrate the leadup to RCV Day we’re having meetups on January 17th in three locations: Atlanta, Augusta, Savannah to discuss our plans to promote IRV in these communities in the coming months.
To celebrate the leadup to RCV Day we’re having meetups on January 20th in three locations: Chicago Northwest as well as Oak Park and DuPage all 11AM-12PM. On January 23rd, RCV Day, we’ll meet on Chicago Northside, and LWV McLean will host a Drinks and Dialogue to discuss RCV in Bloomington.
To celebrate RCV Day, we will be having our January Statewide Meeting on January 18th at 7:30pm and will be joining Rank the Vote for their celebratory zoom!
2023 has been a busy and successful year for Ranked Choice Voting Maryland and we are planning to celebrate our accomplishments and RCV Day on Saturday, January 20 at 5:30pm. Come join our volunteers for pizza and socializing as we celebrate this special occasion. The event will be held at: Uno’s Pizzeria & Grill, 4470 Long Gate Pkwy, Ellicott City
RSVP to Ankur Shukla at ankur@rankthevote.us
We have 3 events to celebrate RCV Day in Massachusetts!
- Join us on RCV Day January 23rd in Boston at Hibernian Hall 4-7pm to celebrate RCV Day with three of our champions on Boston City Council!
- Then, the following week on January 30th we will be speaking to our elected officials Noon-2pm at the Massachusetts State House in Boston. Contact your legislators in person about passing the Home Rule Petitions for Ranked Choice Voting where voters have already passed it in Acton, Amherst, Arlington, Brookline, Concord, Lexington, and Northampton. Many other jurisdictions are in process in 2024.
- Finally on January 30th we’re in East Boston at Maverick Landing ranking our favorite empanada at 5:30-8pm with three City Councilors and we will be learning how Ranked Choice Voting helps expand equity and inclusion in Boston!
RCV Montana will be hosting a statewide meeting to educate volunteers about the 2024 Open Primaries campaign and introduce the group behind the initiatives, Montanans for Election Reform. The program will start online at 5pm with an in-person meet-n-greet in Kalispell that will start at 4pm. RSVP at: https://www.rcvmontana.org/petition_training.
New Jersey:
What do good beer and ranked-choice voting have in common? On January 31st, 2024 join Voter Choice New Jersey and Tindall Road Brewing Company for a Rank The Beers event (while also learning about an easy way to upgrade how we vote)!
We’ll explain ranked-choice voting:
- What is ranked-choice voting?
- How does it work?
- How has it worked in other places like NYC and Australia?
We’ll walk you through your first ranked-choice voting election:
- Voters will have the opportunity to try a sampling of beers
- Vote (ranking your choices) using the ballot similar to below
- Watch your paper ballots get counted
North Carolina:
Better Ballot North Carolina will be celebrating RCV Day in Asheville on January 20th at the Hi-Wire Brewing RAD Beer Garden. Join us as we celebrating our movement’s growth through 2023 and get your input on takeaways from our recent leadership strategy session in Durham. RSVP here!
Rank The Vote Ohio’s RCV Day Celebrations & January Statewide Meeting start at 7pm and will join National RTV virtually at 8pm! RSVP: https://www.rankthevoteohio.org/january2024
Our Central Chapter meets at Dempsey’s in Columbus. See website for details on the Northeast Ohio Chapter meeting and social and more!
Our Northeast Ohio Chapter meets at Van Aken Market in Shaker Heights from 7pm-9pm!! Join us for wine & cheese, a slide presentation, special guests, a big announcement, strategizing and schmoozing!
Join MarchOnHarrisburg’s Ranked Choice Voting volunteers for an in-depth Policy and Lobbying Workshop. This is the perfect place to learn more about Pennsylvania’s two Ranked Choice Voting bills (in the house + senate), and learn more about our efforts to make elections better here in Pennsylvania. All are welcome.
Rhode Island:
Ocean State RCV is hosting an RCV Day Party at The Guild in Pawtucket (461 Main Street) from 3-5 PM. Come to rank your favorite local beers, flatbreads, and more! We’ll also be joining the nationwide Toast to the RCV Movement online at 8 PM.
Our Special RCV Day Statewide Meeting will be on Tuesday, January 23rd at the Warwick Public Library (600 Sandy Lane) at 6 PM. We’ll be celebrating an action-packed first year and talking about our goals for 2024.
South Carolina:
South Carolina is hosting multiple events on Tuesday, January 23! They’ll have a lobbying day in Columbia to start things off. Join them to lobby representatives to support RCV across the state. After that, they’re having a rally for all things RCV with speakers from all across the state! Finally – if you can’t make the events on the 23rd, they’re having their statewide meeting on the 24th. Sign up here to secure your spot!
Join us at the General Assembly in Richmond on January 23rd for Virginia Democracy Day! We’lll start at 7pm and will join National RTV virtually at 8pm!
FairVote Washington held a statewide RCV Lobby Day on January 17th! Around 75 RCV supporters from across the state joined us in Olympia to push for the Washington VOICES Act, which would standardize and simplify ranked-choice voting implementation across the state.