By Mark Bauer
Talk to just about any random person on the street and ask them about the state of our politics, and you’ll probably get responses not too dissimilar from what respondents told Ranked the Vote Ohio in this “person on the street” video they put together.
“I think our voting system is completely broken right now!”
“I’ve never thought it made sense to only have two parties.”
Despite how much they know the system is broken, respondents come up short when asked whether they know any solutions that could fix it. However, once people are introduced to the idea of Ranked Choice Voting and how it can help improve the state of our politics, they pretty quickly catch on to its fairness and ability to open up democracy.
“Ranked choice voting would help change the number of people who think of themselves as Republican and Democrat.” @ 2:05
I especially love their facial expressions at 1:35. You can see them working it out: “That’s great, I love that idea!”
Mark Bauer is a producer, entrepreneur, day trader and former Independent candidate for Congress in Texas. Previously he spent 10 years as a legal journalist covering the legal market in Texas and regulatory issues in Washington DC. Mark’s primary interests involve using content and storytelling to help different groups of people better understand one another.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Rank the Vote, its members, supporters, funders, or affiliates.